Lecture 6.1: Playgrounds
In this video prof. dr. Sybille Lammes discusses the space that for most of us will have facilitated our first contact with play: playgrounds! Yes, even playgrounds have a history and are yet another way to help us make sense of the past through play.
Lecture 6.2: Crafting the Past
In this video dr. Angus Mol takes an in-depth look at Minecraft: how it helps us understand the past, engage with the past and even craft the past.
Let’s Play: Pendragon
For this week’s play activity Play Inkle studios’ Pendragon. The game will be provided to you via the Steam accounts of the course. You can begin a new game and play for as long as you want. If you already own the game and want to continue your saved game you are also free to do that!