The Past-at-Play Lab Health and Safety Protocol
This document outlines the procedure and all the health and safety regulations followed by the attendees and staff of the Past-at-Play Lab.
General guidelines about the space and process of the Lab
- The Past-at-Play Lab is a playful experimental Lab space for the study of ancient play. The Lab is an open, inclusive space, and as such any behavior that is hazardous to public health or otherwise inappropriate will not be tolerated. The organizers of the Lab maintain the right to ask a participant to leave the Lab if they engage in any form of inappropriate behavior such as:
- Not conforming with the health and safety regulations concerning the COVID-19 pandemic
- Inappropriate comments or actions towards an attendant or staff member of the Lab
- Behavior that disrupts the flow of the experiment’s procedure
- There can only be at most 3 persons in each of the two spaces of the Lab at any given time.
- All persons present in the lab are requested to wear a mask when standing and moving around the space. At their own discretion they can keep wearing a mask at all times, i.e. when seated.
- All persons present are asked to disinfect their hands at the disinfection station at the entrance of the Lipsius building and asked to do so again after leaving the lab.
- All persons present must maintain a 1,5m distance between each other at all times.
- There will always be staff members present who are fluent in the two languages used in the Lab, i.e. Dutch and English. Any person that is not able to comprehend and communicate in these languages cannot participate in the PlayLab’s activities.
Attending the Lab
- Participation in the Past-at-Play Lab takes place only after online booking.
- The participant can select the language they prefer to use when they attend the space (Dutch or English)
- The participant can select whether they wish to attend the space alone or with a second person. There will always be two players per session.
- The participant can indicate which date and timeslot they wish to attend the lab in.
- The participants will be asked to carefully read and to have understood the Leiden Campus Protocol.
- The participants are asked to carefully read and agree to the data collection policy of the Lab.
- Upon arrival
- The attendees need to wait for one of the members of the Lab to pick them up at the reception of the Lipsius building. They will be asked to answer the following 4 questions:
- Have you had any of the following (mild) symptoms in the past 24 hours: a cold, cough, shortness of breath or fever (above 38 degrees Celsius)?
- Do you currently have a room or housemate or family member with a fever or shortness of breath?
- Have you had covid-19 (diagnosed by a lab test) and was it diagnosed in the past 14 days?
- Have you been in contact with anyone diagnosed with or displaying symptoms of covid-19 in the past 14 days?
- If the attendees answer no to all these questions, they will be guided to the room where they are asked to take a seat (5 minutes).
- The attendees need to wait for one of the members of the Lab to pick them up at the reception of the Lipsius building. They will be asked to answer the following 4 questions:
- During the session:
- Maintaining a 1,5m distance at all times, the staff member of the Lab will give a brief introduction of the procedure to the attendees and explain the rules of the board game played (10 minutes).
- The staff member of the Lab present will begin the video and audio recording.
- The attendees will have 40 minutes to play the board game.
- The attendees will then be asked to complete the digital survey (10 minutes) either on one of the tablets of the Lab or on their own smartphones if they prefer.
- The attendees have the chance to discuss the games they played and/or aspects of the survey they completed (10 minutes)
- The staff member of the Lab will provide a presentation with the historical and archaeological information about the games the attendees played.
- At all times, the university building’s air circulation system is set to refresh the air in all rooms frequently and using HVAC-filters. Since this also includes lecture theaters, this means the air circulatiun is more than ample for the smaller rooms in which the experiment takes place. However, if the participants wish it, the staff member can open the windows to outside.
- Cleaning the Lab in between sessions:
- Once the session is completed the attendees will be directed to the exit, following the route indicated by the yellow arrows.
- The staff members of the lab are responsible for cleaning the lab. The procedure includes:
- Disinfecting the game pieces, dice, and the board in a UVC radiation box for 10 minutes.
- Open the windows for 5 minutes
- Cleaning the table and seat handles with wipes.
- Cleaning the door handles with wipes.
- Cleaning the tablet of the Lab with wipes
If you have any further questions about lab health and safety protocols, please reach out to us directly!