Lecture 3.1: Time travel

In this video prof. dr. Sybille Lammes discusses how games allow us to travel through time, touching on the popular trop of time travel, how it is depicted in, for example, Assassin’s Creed, and how it plays a role in interactive storytelling.

Lecture 3.2: Historytelling with Twine

In this video Angus introduces you to Twine and teaches you how to make a Twine game of your own design. He also talks about the history and theory behind interactive storytelling, of which games like Twine are a part.

Let’s Play: Assassin’s Creed 2

For this week’s play activity, you have to play Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 2. The game will be provided to you via the Steam accounts of the course. You can begin a new game and play for as long as you want. If you already own the game and want to continue your saved game you are also free to do that!


McCall, Path of Honors https://epoiesen.library.carleton.ca/2018/01/21/path-of-honors/ and Mol, First response https://epoiesen.library.carleton.ca/2018/03/05/path-of-honors-response1/

Politopoulos et al. “History Is Our Playground”: Action and Authenticity in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey https://www.academia.edu/41093356/_History_Is_Our_Playground_Action_and_Authenticity_in_Assassins_Creed_Odyssey

Borges, “The Garden of Forking Paths” http://mycours.es/gamedesign2012/files/2012/08/The-Garden-of-Forking-Paths-Jorge-Luis-Borges-1941.pdf

Watch: Interview with Artefact creator Jack from Mousehole Press

For this week’s play activity you will have to play a game from your own childhood! You can interpret this in any way you want, it can be a game played outside, a board game, a video game, a game you played with friends or alone.

Write: Vignette in Twine

For this week you are asked to prepare a ca. 300 words vignette in Twine form about the past as a forking path. For information on how to write a vignette see the general information of the course.