Lecture 4.1: (Post-)colonial Play
In this video prof. dr. Sybille Lammes discusses the common game trope that involves exploration, expansion, exploitation and extermination: conquest/settler strategy games. The way these games use the past either challenges or perpetuates history. Learn more in the video!
Lecture 4.2: Thinking about Boardgame Design
In this lecture Aris talks about boardgames instead of videogames – for once! He explains all the theory and mechanics that are involved in the intricate art of boardgame design.
Let’s Play: Board games!
(Settlers of) Catan
For this week’s play activity you have to play two different games, please play the games in the order presented. First play Catan, either the tabletop version if you or someone you know owns the game or the Steam version provided by the course.
Spirit Island
After completing a game of Catan and reflecting on it you are asked to play Spirit Island, either the tabletop version if you or someone you know owns the game or the Steam version provided by the course.